These card descriptions provide basic correspondences from the Golden Dawn tradition and a few common themes for interpretation. Typically, the characteristics of the correspondences lend themselves to many of a card’s popular modern key themes. Card meanings have greater depth and diversity when they are a part of a reading. This guide is merely a brief introduction to the general overall atmosphere of individual cards.
Detailed explorations of individual cards will be posted under Tarot Insider as they are written.

Ace of Swords
Element: Air
Zodiac/Planet: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Trumps and Court: The Devil, The Star, The Moon, The Fool, Page of Swords
Dates: December 20-March 20
Hermetic Title: The Root of the Powers of the Air
Kabbalah: Kether (Yetzirah)
Popular Key Themes: A new theory, idea, or challenge, a decision, bravery, clarity, originality, voice of reason, brilliance, intellect, correspondence, revelation, power/Muddled ideas, conquest, erroneous thinking

II of Swords
Element: Cardinal Air
Zodiac/Planet: Moon in Libra
Trumps and Court: The High Priestess, Justice, Queen of Swords
Dates: September 23-October 2
Hermetic Title: Peace, Peace Restored
Kabbalah: Chokmah (Yetzirah)
Popular Key Themes: Truce, weighing options, avoiding bias, crossroads, tolerance, suspending judgment, compromise/ Avoidance, stalemate, two evils, closed off, uneasy balance, impasse, tension, procrastination, indecision

III of Swords
Element: Cardinal Air
Zodiac/Planet: Saturn in Libra
Trumps and Court: The World, Justice, Queen of Swords
Dates: October 3-12
Hermetic Title: Sorrow
Kabbalah: Binah (Yetzirah)
Popular Key Themes: Letting go, accepting a harsh truth/Sorrow, heartbreak, facing your feelings, love triangle, melancholy, jealousy, self-pity

IV of Swords
Element: Cardinal Air
Zodiac/Planet: Jupiter in Libra
Trumps and Court: The Wheel of Fortune, Justice, Knight of Cups
Dates: October 13-22
Hermetic Title: Truce, Rest From Strife
Kabbalah: Chesed (Yetzirah)
Popular Key Themes: Meditation, retirement, rest, introspection, recovery, relaxation, refuge, retreat/Isolation, narrow minded thinking, stress, withdrawal

V of Swords
Element: Fixed Air
Zodiac/Planet: Venus in Aquarius
Trumps and Court: The Empress, The Star, Knight of Swords
Dates: January 20-29
Hermetic Title: Defeat
Kabbalah: Geburah (Yetzirah)
Popular Key Themes: Winning a dispute, walking away from a malicious person, accepting limitations, pride/Defeat, bullying, taking advantage of someone, weakness, feeble intellect, divisiveness, humiliation, degradation, enemies, infamy, doubt, argument, vindictiveness, domineering attitude

VI of Swords
Element: Fixed Air
Zodiac/Planet: Mercury in Aquarius
Trumps and Court: The Magician, The Star, Knight of Swords
Dates: January 30- February 8
Hermetic Title: Science, Earned Success
Kabbalah: Tiphereth (Yetzirah)
Popular Key Themes: Finding a solution to a problem, moving toward better circumstances, travel, turning point, leaving the past behind, perspective, transition, end of hardship, discovery, making connections/Unknown future, running away

VII of Swords
Element: Fixed Air
Zodiac/Planet: Moon in Aquarius
Trumps and Court: The High Priestess, The Star, King of Cups
Dates: February 8-18
Hermetic Title: Futility, Unstable Effort
Kabbalah: Netzach (Yetzirah)
Popular Key Themes: Guile, remaining guarded, cleverness, plan, strategy /Scheme, theft, sneakiness, planted evidence, reckless action, trickery, silver tongue, deception, slander, creating problems, futile efforts, evasion

VIII of Swords
Element: Mutable Air
Zodiac/Planet: Jupiter in Gemini (Detriment)
Trumps and Court: The Wheel of Fortune, The Lovers, King of Swords
Dates: May 21-30
Hermetic Title: Interference, shortened Force
Kabbalah: Hod (Yetzirah)
Popular Key Themes: Breaking habits, freeing yourself from a negative thought pattern or situation/Criticism, censure, negative thinking, analysis paralysis, barrier, self-imposed restrictions, needing assistance, confusion, crisis of faith, censure, entrapment, interference

IX of Swords
Element: Mutable Air
Zodiac/Planet: Mars in Gemini
Trumps and Court: The Tower, The Lovers, King of Swords
Dates: June 1-10
Hermetic Title: Cruelty, Despair and Cruelty
Kabbalah: Yesod (Yetzirah)
Popular Key Themes: Despair, anxiety, insomnia, self-deprecation, paranoia, guilt, depression, anguish, nightmares, obsessive thoughts

X of Swords
Element: Mutable Air
Zodiac/Planet: Sun in Gemini
Trumps and Court: The Sun, The Lovers, Queen of Cups
Dates: June 11-20
Hermetic Title: Ruin
Kabbalah: Malkuth (Yetzirah)
Popular Key Themes: Tying up loose ends, inevitable ending, overreaction, beating a dead horse/ Ruin, culmination of problems, pain, the darkest hour, rock bottom, resignation, treason
Card images are from the Aquatic Tarot by Andreas Schröter