These card descriptions provide basic correspondences from the Golden Dawn tradition and a few common themes for interpretation. Typically, the characteristics of the correspondences lend themselves to many of a card’s popular modern key themes. Card meanings have greater depth and diversity when they are a part of a reading. This guide is merely a brief introduction to the general overall atmosphere of individual cards.
Detailed explorations of individual cards will be posted under Tarot Insider as they are written.

Ace of Cups
Element: Water
Zodiac/Planet: Libra, Scorpio Sagittarius
Trumps and Court: Justice, Death, Temperance, The Hanged Man, Page of Cups
Dates: October 10-December 20
Hermetic Title: The Root of the Powers of the Waters
Kabbalah: Kether (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: New feelings or emotions, relationship opportunities, spiritual awakening, peace, engagement, birth, marriage, love, empathy, becoming vulnerable or receptive/Rejection, loss of faith, jealousy, sadness

II of Cups
Element: Cardinal Water
Zodiac/Planet: Venus in Cancer
Trumps and Court: The Chariot, The Empress, Queen of Cups
Dates: June 21-July 1
Hermetic Title: Love
Kabbalah: Chokmah (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: Emotional bonding, meeting someone new, partnership, reconciliation, trust, relationship, harmony, communication, equality, pledge/Infatuation, breakup

III of Cups
Element: Cardinal Water
Zodiac/Planet: Mercury in Cancer
Trumps and Court: The Magician, The Chariot, Queen of Cups
Dates: July 2-12
Hermetic Title: Abundance
Kabbalah: Binah (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: Merriment, abundance, social gatherings, friendship, party, theater, hospitality, grace, openness, festivity, feeling valued/cattiness, drunkenness, envy, mistrust

IV of Cups
Element: Cardinal Water
Zodiac/Planet: Moon in Cancer (Rulership)
Trumps and Court: The High Priestess, The Chariot, Knight of Wands
Dates: July 13-20
Hermetic Title: Luxury/Blended Pleasure
Kabbalah: Chesed (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: Desire for variety, discovering opportunities or potential / Ennui, boredom, apathy, stagnation, losing interest in once enjoyable activities, lack of appreciation, disenchantment, dullness, resentment, being closed off, abandoned desire, lethargy, waiting for inspiration, discontent

V of Cups
Element: Fixed Water
Zodiac/Planet: Mars in Scorpio (Rulership)
Trumps and Court: Death, The Tower, Knight of Cups
Dates: October 23-November1
Hermetic Title: Disappointment/ Loss in Pleasure
Kabbalah: Geburah (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: Period of recovery, picking up the pieces/Disappointment, grief, ruminating, self-pity, negative focus, regret, separation, expectations not met, melancholy, relying on others for fulfillment

VI of Cups
Element: Fixed Water
Zodiac/Planet: Sun in Scorpio
Trumps and Court: Death, The Sun, Knight of Cups
Dates: November 2-11
Hermetic Title: Pleasure
Kabbalah: Tiphereth (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: Nostalgia, gifts, childhood, youthful innocence, memories, friendship, missing someone, reminiscing/Dwelling on the past, being overly sheltered

VII of Cups
Element: Fixed Water
Zodiac/Planet: Venus in Scorpio (Detriment)
Trumps and Court: The Empress, Death, King of Wands
Dates: November 12-22
Hermetic Title: Debauch, Illusionary Success
Kabbalah: Netzach (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: Choices, dreams, fantasies, researching a decision, wild imagination, variety/Temptations, deceptions, confusion, unrealistic attitude

VIII of Cups
Element: Mutable Water
Zodiac/Planet: Saturn in Pisces
Trumps and Court: The Moon, The World, King of Cups
Dates: February 19-28
Hermetic Title: Indolence, Abandoned Success
Kabbalah: Hod (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: Moving on, soul searching, journey into the unknown, introspection, saying goodbye, letting go of what you have to reach for something greater /Deserter, ungratefulness, emotional distance, dissatisfaction, retreat, aimlessness, disillusionment, the decline of a situation or relationship

IX of Cups
Element: Mutable Water
Zodiac/Planet: Jupiter in Pisces (Rulership)
Trumps and Court: The Wheel of Fortune, The Moon, King of Cups
Dates: March 1-10
Hermetic Title: Happiness, Material Happiness
Kabbalah: Yesod (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: Wishes fulfilled, satisfaction, happiness, ordinary pleasures, emotional stability/Pretentiousness, pride, indulgence, excess

X of Cups
Element: Mutable Water
Zodiac/Planet: Mars in Pisces
Trumps and Court: The Tower, The Moon, Queen of Wands
Dates: March 11-20
Hermetic Title: Satiety, Perpetual Success
Kabbalah: Malkuth (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: Emotional fulfillment, loving family, peace, hearth and home, belonging, gratitude/Familial discord, taking loved ones for granted
Card images are from the Aquatic Tarot by Andreas Schröter