These card descriptions provide basic correspondences from the Golden Dawn tradition and a few common themes for interpretation. Typically, the characteristics of the correspondences lend themselves to many of a card’s popular modern key themes. Card meanings have greater depth and diversity when they are a part of a reading. This guide is merely a brief introduction to the general overall atmosphere of individual cards.
Detailed explorations of individual cards will be posted under Tarot Insider as they are written.

Page of Wands
Element: Earth of Fire
Zodiac/Planet: Cancer, Leo, Virgo
Trumps: Chariot, Strength, Hermit
Pips: 2-4 Cups, 5-7 Wands, 8-10 Coins
Dates: June 21-Sept 22
Title: Princess of the Shining Flame, The Rose of the Palace of Fire,
Princess and Empress of the Salamanders, Throne of the Ace of Wands
Kabbalah: Malkuth (Atziluth)
Key Themes: Discoveries, pioneering spirit, taking risks, message
about a job or an invitation, learning something new, flash of
inspiration/Being blocked or uncertain about trying something new or
expressing yourself
As a Person or Occupation: An excitable young
person who likes trying new things and may flit from one activity to
another. A student.
Personality Type or Traits: Enthusiastic,
adventurous, creative, outgoing, energetic, inquisitive, playful,
bold/Short tempered, doesn’t listen, irresponsible, impatient, tantrums,
showing off, spoiled, hyperactive, jokester

Knight of Wands
Element: Air of Fire
Zodiac/Planet: Leo and Cancer
Trumps: The Chariot and Strength
Pips: 4 of Cups, 5-6 of Wands
Dates: July 13- August 11
Hermetic Title: Prince of the Chariot of Fire, Prince and Emperor of Salamanders
Kabbalah: Tiphereth (Atziluth)
Key Themes: Changing energy, spirit of competition, experimentation,
brainstorming, proving yourself, following your dreams, involvement in a
club or project/ Ideas that may fizzle out before reaching completion
As a Person or Occupation: A popular, fun loving adolescent. An athlete, a carefree spirit, an entertainer.
Type or Traits: Impulsive, spontaneous, passionate, energetic,
unpredictable, brilliant, entertaining, extraverted, competitive,
assertive/Reckless, a player, low self-control, fierce, impetuous,
thrill seeker, arrogant, pushy, rebellious

Queen of Wands
Element: Water of Fire
Zodiac/Planet: Aries and Pisces
Trumps: The Moon, The Emperor
Pips: 2-3 of Wands, 10 of Cups
Dates: March 11-April 10
Hermetic Title: Queen of the Thrones of Flame, Queen of the Salamanders
Kabbalah: Binah (Atziluth)
Popular Key Themes: Center of attention. Developing a creative project, sexuality, socializing, taking charge
As a Person or Occupation: A movie star, an activist, beautician, hostess, news anchor, businesswoman, designer
Type or Traits: Confident, magnetic, friendly, self-sufficient,
sincere, attractive, passionate, creative, individualistic, glamourous,
regal, ambitious, has numerous hobbies, talented, bubbly/Self-centered,
vain, has to be the best at everything and involved in everything,
attention whore, perfectionist, jealous, haughty

King of Wands
Element: Fire of Fire
Zodiac/Planet: Sagittarius and Scorpio
Trumps: Temperance and Death
Pips: 8-9 of Wands, 7 of Cups
Dates: November 12-December 12
Hermetic Title: Lord of the Flame and the Lightning, King of the Spirits of Fire, King of the Salamanders
Kabbalah: Chokmah (Atziluth)
Popular Key Themes: leadership, innovation, being influential
As a Person or Occupation: Leader, delegator, entrepreneur, boss, consultant, politician, salesman, journalist
Type or Traits: Charismatic, charming, inventive, driven, ambitious,
fierce, optimistic, strong-willed, attractive, boisterous, romantic,
virile, outspoken, witty, respectable, powerful, generous/Domineering,
his way or the highway, commitment issues, intolerant, know-it-all,

Page of Cups
Element: Earth of Water
Zodiac/Planet: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Trumps: Justice, Death, Temperance
Pips: 2-4 of Swords, 5-7 of Cups, 8-10 of Wands
Dates: September 23-December 20
Title: Princess of the Waters, Lotus of the Palace of Floods, Princess
and Empress of Nymphs and Undines, Throne of the Ace of Cups
Kabbalah: Malkuth (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: A message concerning love. Having a “crush,” creative expression, pregnancy, dreams, imagination
As a Person or Occupation: Poet, musician, writer, expressive young person, daydreamer.
Type or Traits: Compassionate, sensitive, artistic, kindhearted, open,
sincere, gentle, complex, observant, cooperative /Impractical, gullible,
eager to please, low self-esteem, needy, naïve

Knight of Cups
Element: Air of Water
Zodiac/Planet: Scorpio and Libra
Trumps: Death and Justice
Pips: 5-6 of Cups, 4 of Swords
Dates: October 13-November 11
Hermetic Title: Prince of the Chariot of the Waters, Prince and Emperor of Nymphs and Undines
Kabbalah: Tiphereth (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: Emotional ups and downs, a new romantic interest, promoting your ideals
a Person or Occupation: Romantic, creative adolescent. The goth or emo
kid. Artist, musician, clergy, social services, humanities, the arts
Type or Traits: Perceptive, dashing, alluring, idealist, gallant,
attentive, compassionate, artistic, loving/moody, melodramatic,
insecure, prone to addictions, depressed, quixotic, escapist, seductive,
in love with the idea of love, obsessive

Queen of Cups
Element: Water of Water
Zodiac/Planet: Gemini and Cancer
Trumps: The Lovers, The Chariot
Pips: 2-3 of Cups, 10 of Swords
Dates: June 11-July 12
Hermetic Title: Queen of the Thrones of the Waters, Queen of Nymphs and Undines
Kabbalah: Binah (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: Spiritual or emotional development, taking care of someone or yourself, diplomacy, empathy, valuing feelings
a Person or Occupation: A sensitive or intuitive person. Mother,
counselor, social worker, teacher, writer, medical professional
Type or Traits: Reflective, intuitive, self-aware, empathetic,
spiritual, nurturing, good listener, affectionate, caring, modest,
introspective, patient/Sentimental, easily wounded, maudlin, pushover,
illogical, unfocused, disorganized, ruminates, sensitive to stress,
struggles to handle the demands of life, victim mentality

King of Cups
Element: Fire of Water
Zodiac/Planet: Aquarius and Pisces
Trumps: The Star and The Moon
Pips: 7 of Swords, 8-9 of Cups
Dates: February 9- March 10
Hermetic Title: Lord of the Waves and the Waters, King of the Hosts of the sea, King of Undines and of Nymphs
Kabbalah: Chokmah (Briah)
Popular Key Themes: Diplomacy, compassion, support, seeking counsel
As a Person or Occupation: A family-oriented person, a provider, volunteer work, psychologist, doctor, therapist
Type or Traits: Loving, altruistic, refined, understanding,
trustworthy, peacekeeper, helpful, calm, prudent, good-natured
/alcoholic, manipulative, unstable, people pleaser

Page of Swords
Element: Earth of Air
Zodiac/Planet: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Trumps: The Decil, The Star, The Moon
Pips: 2-4 of Coins, 5-7 of Swords, 8-10 of Cups
Dates: December 21-March 20
Title: Princess of the Rushing Winds, Lotus of the Palace of Air,
Princess and Empress of the Sylph and Sylphides, Throne of the Ace of
Kabbalah: Malkuth (Yetzirah)
Popular Key Themes: Developing ideas. An informative message, rumors, study, school, a new challenge
a Person or Occupation: Intelligent and talkative young person. A
bratty child. A student. A spy. Technical work, computer programming,
Personality Type or Traits: Clever, insightful,
inquisitive, likes to be challenged, inventive, playful, analytical,
planner, organized/Confrontational, cutting, intimidating, frank,
self-righteous, elitist, ruthless, spiteful, sadistic, treacherous,
manipulative, liar

Knight of Swords
Element: Air of Air
Zodiac/Planet: Capricorn and Aquarius
Trumps: The Devil, The Star
Pips: 4 of Coins, 5-6 of Swords
Dates: January 10-February 8
Hermetic Title: Prince of the Chariots of the Winds, Prince and Emperor of Sylphs and Sylphides
Kabbalah: Tiphereth (Yetzirah)
Popular Key Themes: Problem solving. Mental stimulation. Not thinking before you speak, quarrels
As a Person or Occupation: Logical, sharp witted adolescent. Writer, Law enforcement, computer or IT work/ delinquent, rebel.
Type or Traits: academic, open minded, thirst for knowledge, original
thinking, focused, efficient, strategizer, problem solver, sleuth/
Aloof, socially awkward, short attention span, rebellious, opinionated,
underachiever, intolerant, sarcastic, insensitive, hostile, swindler

Queen of Swords
Element: Water of Air
Zodiac/Planet: Virgo and Libra
Trumps: The Hermit, Justice
Pips: 10 of Coins, 2-3 of Swords
Dates: September 12- October 12
Hermetic Title: Queen of the Thrones of Air, Queen of the Sylphs and Sylphides
Kabbalah: Binah (Yetzirah)
Key Themes: Development of a theory or idea, critique, going it alone,
courage, sticking to your guns, honest communication, standing up for
As a Person or Occupation: Intellectual, logical, dignified person. Solitary or Widowed. Researcher, editor, judge, mentor
Personality Type or Traits: Regal, dry sense of humor, intelligent,
composed, critical thinker, competent, discerning, independent thinker,
solution oriented, self-disciplined, stoic, pragmatic /Penetrating,
severe, austere, judgmental, critical, bitter, prudish, sad, vengeful,
cruel, worrier

King of Swords
Element: Fire of Air
Zodiac/Planet: Taurus and Gemini
Trumps: The Hierophant, The Lovers
Pips: 7 of Coins, 8-9 of Swords
Dates: May 11-June 10
Hermetic Title: Lord of the Winds and Breezes, King of the Spirit of air, King of Sylphs and Sylphides
Kabbalah: Chokmah (Yetzirah)
Key Themes: Ideals, obedience, legal matters, a need for diplomacy,
mind over matter, a matter that requires a solid plan
As a person or
occupation: A fair, stern, and objective person. Mentor, public
speaker, politician, bureaucrat, insurance agent, lawyer or other legal
Personality type or traits: Intelligent, planner, excellent
foresight, orderly, logical, rational, arbitrator, just, strategist,
diplomat, articulate, discriminating, by the book/detached, tyrannical,
disciplinarian, cold, merciless, unfriendly, cynical

Page of Coins
Element: Earth of Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Aries, Taurus, Gemini
Trumps: The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers
Pips: 2-4 of Wands, 5-7 of Coins, 8-10 of Swords
Dates: March 21-June 20
Title: Princess of the Echoing Hills, Rose of the Palace of Earth,
Princess and Empress of the Gnomes, Throne of the Ace of Pentalces
Kabbalah: Malkuth (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: A time of growth and development. Messages concerning finances. Training, budgeting, scholarship
As a Person or Occupation: Industrious young person. Apprentice, entry level employee
Type or Traits: Gentle, beautiful, lives in the moment, diligent,
tactile, cautious, hands on learner, follows directions, quiet,
helpful/Learning disability, wasteful, narrow focus, resistant to
change, shyness, bingeing

Knight of Coins
Element: Air of Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Aries and Taurus
Trumps: The Emperor, The Hierophant
Pips: 4 of Wands, 5-6 of Coins
Dates: April 11-May 10
Hermetic Title: Prince of the Chariot of Earth, Prince and Emperor of the Gnomes
Kabbalah: Tiphereth (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: Slow progress, routine, resource management, career advancement, traveling for work, burnout
a Person or Occupation: Practical, hard-working adolescent. Handyman,
electrician, plumber, installation specialist, mechanic, construction,
other honest blue-collar labor
Personality Type or Traits:
Resourceful, responsible, nature lover, good steward, appreciates the
mundane, stable, practical, competent, even-tempered, reliable/lazy,
hedonist, stick in the mud, dull, possessive, excessively conservative,
unemployed, intolerant, rigid, narrow-minded

Queen of Coins
Element: Water of Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Sagittarius and Capricorn
Trumps: Temperance and The Devil
Pips: 10 of Wands, 2-3 of Coins
Dates: December 13-January 9
Hermetic Title: Queen of the Thrones of Earth, Queen of Gnomes
Kabbalah: Binah (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: Practical developments, hearth and home, caring for yourself or others, being overworked or underappreciated
As a Person or Occupation: A down to earth, resourceful, nurturing person. Homemaker, veterinary work, real estate
Type or Traits: Nourishing, loving, motherly, realistic, community
oriented, hospitable, serves others, methodical, attention to
detail/materialistic, controlling, agoraphobic, out of touch with
lifestyles that differ from their own, easily overwhelmed, micromanager

King of Coins
Element: Fire of Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Leo and Virgo
Trumps: Strength and The Hermit
Pips: 7 of Wands, 8-9 of Coins
Dates: August 11-September 11
Hermetic Title: Lord of the Wide and Fertile Land, King of the Spirits of Earth, King of the Gnomes
Kabbalah: Chokmah (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: Conventions. Traditional thinking. Enjoying success, investments
As a Person or Occupation: Sensible, business-oriented person. Manager, boss, CEO, business tycoon, banker, economist
Type or Traits: Patient, reliable, caring, wealthy, humble, generous,
jovial, connoisseur, respectable, high social values, traditional,
provider/Greed, stinginess, withholds assistance, unimaginative,
churlish, dogmatic
Card images are from the Aquatic Tarot by Andreas Schröter