These card descriptions provide basic correspondences from the Golden Dawn tradition and a few common themes for interpretation. Typically, the characteristics of the correspondences lend themselves to many of a card’s popular modern key themes. Card meanings have greater depth and diversity when they are a part of a reading. This guide is merely a brief introduction to the general overall atmosphere of individual cards.
Detailed explorations of individual cards will be posted under Tarot Insider as they are written.

Ace of Coins
Element: Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Aries, Taurus, Gemini
Trumps and Court: The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The World, Page of Coins
Dates: March 21- June 20
Hermetic Title: The Root of the Powers of the Earth
Kabbalah: Kether (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: Material gain, a new career or project, an offer, financial venture, money, gifts, ownership, resources/Greed, jealousy

II of Coins
Element: Cardinal Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Jupiter in Capricorn (Fall)
Trumps and Court: The Wheel of Fortune, The Devil, Queen of Coins
Dates: December 21-30
Hermetic Title: Change, Harmonious Change
Kabbalah: Chokmah (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: Juggling multiple responsibilities or obligations, conflicting desires, keeping everyone happy, time management, maintaining equilibrium, flexibility, uneasiness, adaptability, taking things lightly, change, resourcefulness

III of Coins
Element: Cardinal Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Mars in Capricorn (Exaltation)
Trumps and Court: The Tower, The Devil, Queen of Coins
Dates: December 31-January 9
Hermetic Title: Work, Material Works
Kabbalah: Binah (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: Skill, vocation, group work, collaboration, cooperation, competence, evaluation, construction, inventing, planning, practical work, recognition, industry, labor

IV of Coins
Element: Cardinal Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Sun in Capricorn
Trumps and Court: The Sun, The Devil, Knight of Swords
Dates: January 10-19
Hermetic Title: Power, Earthly Power
Kabbalah: Chesed (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: Holding on to what you have, savings, avoiding risks, money management, possessions, stability/A miser, selfishness, materialism

V of Coins
Element: Fixed Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Mercury in Taurus
Trumps and Court: The Magician, The Hierophant, Knight of Coins
Dates: April 21-30
Hermetic Title: Worry, Material Trouble
Kabbalah: Geburah (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: Loyalty in sickness and in health /Material loss, poverty, unemployment, alienation, worry, deprivation, exclusion, strain, hardship

VI of Coins
Element: Fixed Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Moon in Taurus (Exaltation)
Trumps and Court: The High Priestess, The Hierophant, Knight of Coins
Dates: May 1-10
Hermetic Title: Success, Material Success
Kabbalah: Tiphereth (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: Generosity, exchange, giving or receiving assistance, reciprocity, support, community service, asking for help /Codependency, living paycheck to paycheck

VII of Coins
Element: Fixed Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Saturn in Taurus
Trumps and Court: The World, The Hierophant, King of Swords
Dates: May 11-20
Hermetic Title: Failure, Success Unfulfilled
Kabbalah: Netzach (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: A test of patience, waiting, steadfastness, pause, gestation, commitment, deliberation /Delay, blockage, frustration, setbacks, postponement, dissatisfaction

VIII of Coins
Element: Mutable Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Sun in Virgo
Trumps and Court: The Sun, The Hermit, King of Coins
Dates: August 23-September 1
Hermetic Title: Prudence
Kabbalah: Hod (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: Training, diligence, practice, honing skills, stable employment, talent, setting work boundaries, steadfast labor, discipline, productivity, craft, commission

IX of Coins
Element: Mutable Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Venus in Virgo (Fall)
Trumps and Court: The Empress, The Hermit, King of Coins
Dates: September 2-11
Hermetic Title: Gain, Material Gain
Kabbalah: Yesod (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: Self-sufficiency, contentment, security, accomplishment, reward, self-discipline, happy solitary life, self-worth/Isolation, walled off, out of touch

X of Coins
Element: Mutable Earth
Zodiac/Planet: Mercury in Virgo (Rulership)
Trumps and Court: The Magician, The Hermit, Queen of Swords
Dates: September 12-22
Hermetic Title: Wealth
Kabbalah: Malkuth (Assiah)
Popular Key Themes: Legacy, home and family, wealth, security, inheritance, prosperity, tradition, permanence/Gambling, loss, familial discord
Card images are from the Aquatic Tarot by Andreas Schröter