But what about Ralph's mother, Annie? She was a dog that my sister adopted from Anso. As it turns out, Annie was a downloadable adoption, and most of Ralph's relatives on his mother's side were also available to play with and download on Anso's site. Thanks to the wayback machine, I've been able to collect most of Ralph's relatives and reunite him with his mother!

Click on the family tree below to get a better visual on the relationships!

As I was perusing Anso's site and reading the profiles on Ralph's relatives, I discovered that Ralph has some half siblings, and one of them, Polly, was still obtainable. Bing is Polly's father, and he and Annie are still very fond of each other.
Polly shows some of the traits that are recessive in Ralph, and they have the same eyes. I think there's a family resemblance, don't you? Ralph and Polly enjoy one another's company, which makes it even more delightful.
Want more details about Ralph's ancestors and descendants? Check out my ongoing thread on Duke's Group to learn more about Ralph's family and see what he and my other special petz are up to these days.