Nontraditional Oracles

Unique oracle decks can provide a refreshing change of pace for your reading practice. A deck with a different system or alternate atmosphere can help you to “read outside the box.” Learning a new system can be a lot of fun, and while some methods 

Surprise Me

I’m a proponent of focused and specific card readings. For me, this is the best way to glean the psychological benefits of a Tarot practice. My mental legwork in preparation of the reading is as much a part of the exercise as the cards. Digging 

Stepping into Spring

It’s not feeling much like spring in my neck of the woods, save for the change in birdsong and feathered visitors in my yard. Days are longer, but the snow still crunches beneath my feet when I trudge out to refill the bird feeders. Seasonal 

Entering Eden

I mentioned in my working decks post that I’m starting to use the Tarot of Eden. Now that I have experimented with the first of two methods that I want to try with this deck, I would like to explain the technique in detail and 

Approaching Eden

I mentioned in my working decks post that I’m starting to use the Tarot of Eden, and today I wanted to share my preliminary explorations. I like to respect a creator’s intent when I work with a deck, so I try to understand that intent 

Working Decks

Today I decided to share a few of my favorite modern working decks, why I like to use them, and present a new addition to my rotation. Generally speaking, my reading decks tend to have one or more of the following qualities: ~ Narrative imagery 

Trusting Your Interpretations

Although I don’t use Tarot to make predictions, I can still catch myself wondering if my interpretation of a card is the “correct” one. Considering the connotations that folks have with Tarot, I think it’s normal to wonder if there is some special answer or