Spread Shuffle

A fun exercise for flexing your Tarot reading muscles is a “spread shuffle.” Select a favorite spread (I think a spread of 3-5 cards works well), shuffle your deck, and deal out the cards. After you’ve made an interpretation, take the cards that you chose and shuffle them around to other spots in the spread. How does your interpretation of a card change based on where it falls in the spread?

I enjoy this exercise because it helps me tap into the spectrum of meanings for a single card, and it assists with interpreting card interactions. It’s simple, fun, and illustrates the versatility of Tarot. Let’s take a gander at some examples!

Prudence is concerned about her relationship with her daughter. They had an argument recently and Prudence feels like they are drifting apart in spite of her best efforts to communicate. She is hoping to sort her thoughts, look at things objectively, and come up with some ideas for improving the situation. The spread is as follows:

1. A description of the situation at the present time.
2. A positive aspect of the situation
3. A negative aspect of the situation
4. A way to improve the situation

Reading 1
At a glance this spread shows a bit of chaos. On one end we have a figure that is closed off, and on the opposite end an open hand is making an offering. In the center are two trump cards, both of which are a bustle of activity. The 2 of Swords is air (Moon in Libra), The Devil is earth (Capricorn), The Wheel is a planetary trump (Jupiter), and finally we have the Ace of Cups as a water card (Elemental Water). Aside from the Ace of Cups, the cards aren’t really interacting with one another beyond their borders so to speak.

1. The 2 of Swords shows that the situation is stalled at the moment. Things seem unclear and murky and the way forward is completely undecided. This card accurately reflects the sentiments that Prudence has expressed.

2. The Devil is a positive aspect of the situation. This could indicate that the matters that Prudence and her daughter are disagreeing on are ones that are superficial. They may be causing issues, but those issues aren’t damaging the heart of their relationship – which is built on far more important things.

3. The Wheel as a negative aspect of the situation speaks to Prudence’s difficulty with accepting the changes in her daughter – she is growing up and Prudence needs to realize that she can’t stop that from happening, nor should she be too controlling.

4. The Ace of Cups is the way to improve the situation. This card, unlike the 2 of Swords at the present time, shows openness and an outpouring of emotion. The water in the 2 of Swords is behind the figure, blocked away and ignored. Perhaps even though she is trying to communicate, Prudence is coming off as cold and rigid (the Wheel as the resistance to change). If she can be more accepting and show love and support, she may be able to cultivate a better dialogue with her daughter.

Reading 2 (For the sake of brevity I will just go through the individual cards and point out a few differences in their interactions along the way instead of including another general overview.)

1. The Devil shows that the current situation has Prudence feeling trapped and, frankly, demonized. In this context the matter is now a trump card instead of a pip, which indicates that Prudence believes the situation is serious.

2. The 2 of Swords illustrates that there is still a degree of objectivity in their interactions. Prudence is doing her best to be reasonable and withhold judgment. She is cool and rational (at least outwardly).

3. The Ace of Cups could represent an idealized version of the relationship that Prudence thinks she should have with her daughter (in contrast to The Devil as the reality). It’s unrealistic to expect things to go smoothly all the time, and this ideal expectation is taking a toll. Being overly emotional about the disparity is not helpful, and even if Prudence isn’t expressing it outwardly, her feelings and expectations are causing her strife internally. The emotional connotations of the Ace of Cups in this spread are negative compared to the rational nature of the 2 of Swords. These two cards are interacting to create a different message in this second reading. In the first reading the cards interacted to show that being open about feelings was a possible solution. In this case emotional distance and verifying that expectations are reasonable may help to ease some tensions.

4. The Wheel indicates that Prudence may need to go with the flow and relax a bit more. Perhaps her daughter is feeling a bit chained to her mother like one of the figures in the Devil card. It may not be catastrophic to let go and let her daughter make some decisions on her own.

Reading 3

1. The Ace of Cups illustrates how Prudence is offering love and support to her daughter, but the offer isn’t being accepted.

2. Fortunately, The Wheel indicates that the situation is evolving and changing, so merely waiting and choosing another time to have a heart to heart talk with her daughter may be all that she has to do. Nothing is set in stone right now, and the rejected offer of support may not be rejected for always.

3. The 2 of Swords shows her daughter’s unwillingness to receive her mother’s goodwill at the present time. She has her hands full with other matters right now and she doesn’t want to set them aside. It is truly difficult to communicate with her right now. The 2 of Swords bolsters the idea of waiting for a better moment to chat.

4. The Devil could represent a more “tough love” approach in contrast to the Ace of Cups. If Prudence thinks that is too risky for the situation, however, it could indicate that she needs to better acknowledge the struggles that her daughter is having when she talks to her. Perhaps her daughter feels like her circumstances are being glossed over or belittled when to her they are monstrous. Another interpretation is that her mother’s emotional support isn’t helpful to the situation. The Devil is associated with the element of earth, which is the element associated with practical, earthly affairs. Prudence may need to offer her daughter more concrete advice, especially if the issues with her daughter are ones pertaining to relationships, drugs, or other common associations with the Devil card.

I kept my interpretations brief in this sample – but you can take this exercise much deeper when you try it out. I find it very enjoyable, especially when a new arrangement paints a very different problem and/or solution. I hope you give it a try and are able to see a card in a new way!

I’ve been aware of this exercise for a while, and the book or online resource where I found it has escaped my memory. If you know the creator of this method, please let me know so I can update this post with proper attributions.

Happy shuffling!

Card images are from the Aquatic Tarot by Andreas Schröter