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Updates 2-11-25
Added a new toy closet OW to the playscenes page, and a hawaiian pattern ball and corduroy plush on the toys page.
Updates 1-4-25
~ Stamp prizes have been updated in the games section on the "Other" page. These stamps are the first in my ongoing "SGCH Petz" stamp series - collect them all!
~ Toys, treats, clothes, and a playscene from advent have been added to their respective pages.
Updates 11-8-24
I added a games section to the "Other" page. Here you will find some slightly modified versions of the games I created for the Petz Bazaar.
My husband created the Petz Show Companion, modified the petzA code to compile again for updates, and he and I worked together to build the Petz Bazaar. You can access the code for these creations and updates by visiting his github here.